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Theft and Burglary Defense

What happens if you are charged with theft in Idaho? Misdemeanor petty theft can easily be upgraded to felony grand theft due to the complexity of theft charges. The secret to a successful defense is to act fast and hire a competent lawyer.

Categories of Theft in Idaho

Idaho Code §18-2407 divides theft into two primary categories: petit theft and grand theft. Although the legal definition of theft in Idaho includes taking someone's property directly and not paying for it to keep it for yourself, it also covers the following offenses: embezzling money, which is the theft of funds entrusted to your care by your employer; extortion, which is the obtaining of money by coercion or threats; and receiving or holding onto stolen property. This covers the following scenarios: fraudulently obtaining property; unintentionally purchasing stolen goods; obtaining stolen labor or services; employing someone on false pretenses and failing to reimburse them for their work.

Petit Theft

Petit theft is typically called "petty theft" is a misdemeanor and occurs when the stolen item is worth less than $1,000. This misdemeanor carries a $1,000 maximum fine and/or a year in a county jail in Idaho.


Grand Theft

Grand Theft includes specific situations that change the charge of theft to grand theft. Grand theft is a felony that carries a serious prison sentence and fines well as fines up to $5,000. In addition, the court might mandate that you complete an anti-theft course and make restitution.

Enhanced Penalties

Certain charges carry heavier penalties. For example, extortion-related grand theft carries a fine of up to $10,000 and/or a maximum sentence of 20 years in an Idaho state prison.


Burglary is defined as "entering any property, such as a home or store, with the intent to commit a theft or a felony" in Idaho Code §18-1401. This is a felony offense that carries a maximum 10-year sentence in an Idaho state prison.

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