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Idaho DUI - DUI Second Offense

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Second Offense / Excessive Offense

We handle second offense DUI and excessive DUI cases in Ada County, Canyon County, Boise County, Gem County, and Elmore County. If you are convicted of Second Offense DUI or Excessive DUI offense in Idaho, there are serious potential consequences for that DUI conviction.

A second Driving Under the Influence (DUI) conviction or an excessive DUI conviction in Idaho comes with some serious penalties and punishments. These are charges should be taken seriously. Contact an Idaho lawyer experienced in handling these types of DUI charges.Incarceration, fines, counseling, and a minimum of a yearlong driver’s license suspension are just a few of the consequences you could face if convicted. Your best chance of avoiding or reducing any of these penalties is to seek an experienced DUI attorney who is familiar with Idaho DUI law.

​DUI Excessive/Second Penalties

If you are convicted of a Second Offense DUI in Idaho, you are subject to the following potential penalties:

Mandatory Jail Time:  

The minimum sentence for 2nd DUI offense in Idaho is 10 days, but a conviction can result in as much a one year.


You will likely be placed on some type of probation for up to two years. Part of this probation could be Supervised rather than Unsupervised Probation.  


You could be fined up to $2,000.


If there was any injury and/or property damage caused as a result of the court could require you to pay restitution.

Driver's License Suspension:

Your driver's license will be suspended for a mandatory minimum period of one year, but many suspensions last longer. This suspension is absolute - meaning no driving at all.

Ignition Interlock Device Penalty:

Those convicted of a DUI in Idaho are required to have a one-year ignition interlock device in their vehicle. The device, which measures your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) before allowing the car to start, will be installed, and maintained at the expense of the driver.

Hire A Lawyer to Defend You

If you are charged with a DUI in Idaho, you need an aggressive DUI lawyer who will fight to protect your rights.

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