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Juvenile DUI

(Under 21 DUI)

If you are under 21 years old, it is illegal to operate a vehicle with a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) over .02 in Idaho. 

Juvenile DUI In Idaho

The penalties for minors, or adults under the age of 21 can be as serious as those for adults convicted of a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in Idaho, despite the difference in Blood Alcohol Concentration BAC levels.

If you are a minor being charged with a DUI (juvenile DUI), you should take your case seriously and contact an attorney right away. Some of the consequences include: 

Jail Time: Minors will not be punished with jail time for a first-time DUI conviction.

Evaluation/Rehabilitation: Minors must undergo a clinical drug/alcohol evaluation and the sentence will include complying with the drug or alcohol rehabilitation/education recommended by the evaluation.


License Suspension: There is a mandatory one-year suspension term for minors. After 90 days, drivers can apply for a limited license.  

Fines: Minors can be fined up to $1,000 and court-costs. However, this is not the total economic impact a DUI can have, there are fees associated with license reinstatement, alcohol education and other penalties.

Repeat Offenders: If a minor is charged with a second DUI within a five-year span, the penalties become much stiffer. A jail sentence of five days is mandatory, but the judge could order a 30-day sentence. The fines also increase to a maximum of $2,000 and minimum of $500. The minor's driver's license will be suspended for anywhere between one and two years. And. extensive alcohol education will be mandatory.

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