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Challenge the Stop:

If the police did not have a valid reason to stop your vehicle, it may be possible to challenge the legality of the traffic stop. If the stop was unlawful, any evidence obtained afterward may be deemed inadmissible.


Question the Field Sobriety Tests:

Field sobriety tests are often subjective and can be influenced by various factors, such as weather conditions or medical issues. Your attorney may challenge the accuracy and reliability of these tests.


Challenge the Breathalyzer Test

Breathalyzer results can be affected by various factors, including medical conditions, improper calibration, or operator error. Your attorney may question the accuracy of the test and the procedures followed.


Challenge the Arrest Procedures:

If your rights were violated during the arrest process, such as improper Miranda warnings or other procedural errors, your attorney may use this as a defense.


Request Blood Test Independent Analysis:

If a blood test was conducted, you may want to request an independent analysis of the blood sample to ensure accuracy and reliability.


Demonstrate Rising Blood Alcohol Content (Rising BAC Defense):

In some cases, it may be argued that your blood alcohol content (BAC) was below the legal limit at the time of driving but rose above the limit by the time of testing. This could be used to challenge the accuracy of the test results.

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